faustLogo International Faust Conference 2020

1-2 December 2020, Saint-Denis (France) (initial dates: 14-15 May)

Embedded Real-Time Audio Signal Processing With Faust
Romain Michon  1, 2@  , Yann Orlarey  1@  , Stéphane Letz  1@  , Dominique Fober  1@  , Dirk Roosenburg  3@  
Centre National de Création Musicale
11 cours de Verdun Gensoul, 69002 Lyon -  France
2 : Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford University  (CCRMA)  -  Website
CCRMA Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-8180 USA -  United States
3 : Department of Physics, Oberlin College

Faust has been targeting an increasing number of embedded platforms for real-time audio signal processing applications in recent years. It can now be used to program microcontrollers, mobile platforms, embedded Linux systems, Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), and more. This paper gives an overview of existing targets, presents ongoing research, and gives potential avenues for future developments in this field.

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