Faust2FPGA for Ultra-Low Audio Latency: Preliminary work in the Syfala project
1 : Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, Inria, CITI, F-69621 Villeurbanne, France
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, INRIA
2 : Grame
Centre National de Création Musicale
11 cours de Verdun Gensoul, 69002 Lyon -
3 : CCRMA, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford University, USA
FPGA are more and more present in every field of computer science. The generalization of high level synthesis (HLS) improves the FPGA programmer productivity. However, even with HLS, FPGA configuration requires advanced engineering. This paper investigates the use of FPGA in the context of very low latency (less than 500us) audio digital signal processing. We propose an open methodology to "compile" Faust program on FPGA platform, with the objective of ultra-low latency. We expose the challenges it raises and report about the first steps of a future Faust2FPGA compiler.